Established in the year ____, EW Title involves in offering the complete range of real estate services including the Real Estate Owned (REO) services for various places across the nation. EW Title offers the extended Real Estate Owned (REO) services with a skilled and talented team who can meticulously monitoring the assets including the various facts of Listing, closing, Property management, and the settlement activities. Involving ourselves with the top vendors in the market, we committed ourselves to offer the top notch quality REO services ensured with the swift delivery implying the latest technologies.

Real Estate Owned (REO), the name has been given foreclosed to the real estate like the town houses, detached houses, and the lands. In general, the Real Estate Owned (REO) properties after the unsuccessful sales at the foreclosure actions gets ended up in the lender’s portfolio with bidden offers or the amounts to cover the loan. When a borrower failed on the mortgage, the pre-closure or the short real estate actions will be acrid out. For example, the banks taking up the ownership of the property and attempting to sell the Real Estate Owned (REO) property without the help of real estate agents.

On situations like this, the banks will usually list out the properties online with the ready REO listings available on bank’s website. To make the Real Estate Owned (REO) properties more attractive to the buyers, the lenders may attempt and remove the liens.

The Real Estate Owned (REO) services can be categorized as:

  • REO agent registration – brokers can get registered themselves
  • REO billing and reimbursement – ensure timely and cost effective REO bill reimbursement
  • Customized REO processed solutions – comprehensive asset valuation solutions
  • REO valuation solutions
    1. Listing Broker Price Opinion and Third Party Fee BPO
    2. Updating the Listing BPO
    3. Monthly marketing Report
  • Sign-ups with REO agent banks – registering with the banks with accounts
  • REO administrative services – proven to be extremely cost effective by saving the time

In order to give the greatest exposure to the Real Estate Owned (REO) properties, REO specialists will often have the contracts with the real estate agents to list the Real Estate Owned (REO) property in the multiple service listings. Once after thee dealings are done, the real estate agents will negotiate the commissions they will receive for selling REO properties with the REO specialist.

Buying the Real Estate Owned (REO) properties literally means to be buying the property along with the problems in it as the banks will not repair the deficiencies found in the REO properties and in order to overcome the issues, the clear inspection should be made before buying the Real Estate Owned (REO) property.

Customize REO solutions will save the amount of time taken by the realtors, appraisers, and the contractors with shorter time frame. Customized solutions for Real Estate Owned (REO) properties can be done tailor made depending upon the requirements with ensured highest quality and accuracy. Outsourced Real Estate Owned (REO) by EW Title services will definitely elevate the real estate businesses to the higher level making them gain the zone advantage in the competitive industry.